




UI Design



Product Designer,


6 Weeks,
May-June 2024


Improving Usability through Emerging Technologies
Technology is always evolving. Today, the most exciting advancements in tech are happening outside of our mobile phones. Over the last few years, hot button technologies like AR / VR, blockchain, voice technologies, internet of things, and AI have come in and out of focus - each lauded as the next revolutionary technology. Create a practical and useful applications using this technology.

This is a case study project under General Assembly that explores the potential of A.I. in meal prepping and nutrition.

Just Interested in the end? Click to skip to the final designs!



7 people were interviewed from the ages of 22 - 55, where three identified as women, and four as men.

71% mentioned meal planning being tiresome or burden some.

Over half had dietary restrictions or cooked for someone with them.

Though all tech-savy, most did not use any form of technology other than looking up recipes on their phone.

From these interviews, I created an Affinity Map.

Key insights

People want reliable, expert advice on specific goals.

Many people mentioned having or wanting a nutritionist, as well as desiring knowledge on how to hit their unique goals.

Meal planning is mentally taxing.

Whether its doing the math, avoiding allergies, or deciding on what to eat, meal planning took a mental toll on the majority of interviewees.

Personal customization on the fly.

Many mentioned having cravings or cheat days where they ignored restrictions, as well as their own trial-error recipes.

make meal planning less burdensome and more personalized to support individual health goals and dietary needs?

How Might we...

With these in mind, I facilitated a design studio below where we each came up with some sketches.


Initial Solutions


After deciding on the two major functionalities, a personalized meal planner and a virtual nutritionist, I started sketching the initial flow.

I also came up with our mascot, Nutri!

I created the initial low=fidelity prototype in Balsamiq.


Nutri was cute, but also a little in the way.

Wanted an easier way to get home or chat with Nutri.

Consistency in wording (dash versus home).

Having Nutri choose all of your meals was confusing.

Couple of UI fixes.

Low Fidelity Wireframe


Your Personal A.I. Nutritionist

What’s Next?

Grab a copy of my resume or contact me!